Monday, December 21, 2009

mini-retreat day 1

USCCB - NAB - Psalm 139: "Psalms
Chapter 139
1 For the leader. A psalm of David. O LORD, you have probed me, you know me:
2 you know when I sit and stand; you understand my thoughts from afar.
My travels and my rest you mark; with all my ways you are familiar.
Even before a word is on my tongue, LORD, you know it all.
Behind and before you encircle me and rest your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is beyond me, far too lofty for me to reach.
Where can I hide from your spirit? From your presence, where can I flee?
If I ascend to the heavens, you are there; if I lie down in Sheol, you are there too.
3 If I fly with the wings of dawn and alight beyond the sea,
Even there your hand will guide me, your right hand hold me fast.
4 If I say, 'Surely darkness shall hide me, and night shall be my light' --
Darkness is not dark for you, and night shines as the day. Darkness and light are but one.
You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb.
I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works! My very self you knew;
5 my bones were not hidden from you, When I was being made in secret, fashioned as in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes foresaw my actions; in your book all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came to be.
How precious to me are your designs, O God; how vast the sum of them!
Were I to count, they would outnumber the sands; to finish, I would need eternity."


  1. When I meditated on this scripture I felt the Lord put this on my heart, "My child, don't you know the love I have for you? The depth you cannot fathom. I want to be with you all the days of your life. Turn to me and lean on me in the business of your day. I will lead you and guide you to my dwelling place within your soul. There you will be given rest and security. I will strenghten you and teach you my ways."

    My heart yearns for you Oh God. I desire your presence. My heart beats rapidly in my chest for love of you. You are in my thoughts and you are the source of my joy. Your mercy toward me is so great.I am nothing without you.May praise of you be on my lips all the days of my life. You have made me so wonderful and though I dissapoint you, you never leave me orphaned. Nothing I think,say or do is deserving of your infinate love and I could never be grateful enough for you. I am blessed that the crumbs of any good I can offer of myself, you love abundantly and make me whole in you.--Lenora

  2. This is the Psalm that lets me know that no matter who or what God is always with me. Its Gods plan and His design. I let all the worries go with this psalm....
