Monday, November 2, 2009

USCCB - (NAB) - November 8, 2009

USCCB - (NAB) - November 8, 2009: "Responsorial Psalm
Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10

R. (1b) Praise the Lord, my soul!
The LORD keeps faith forever,
secures justice for the oppressed,
gives food to the hungry.
The LORD sets captives free.
R. Praise the Lord, my soul!
The LORD gives sight to the blind.
The LORD raises up those who were bowed down;
the LORD loves the just.
The LORD protects strangers.
R. Praise the Lord, my soul!
The fatherless and the widow he sustains,
but the way of the wicked he thwarts.
The LORD shall reign forever;
your God, O Zion, through all generations. Alleluia.
R. Praise the Lord, my soul!
or: Alleluia."

1 comment:

  1. My love has called me to wed
    Unworthy and humbled I have said
    Come to me shall care for you
    My love has made my soul anew
    I tell him I must have this and that
    He lovingly grants me all I ask
    Prepare and work the time draws near
    Come to me for rest my dear
    Your burdens I've put upon my back
    Provisions are made for all you lack
    A greatful heart to Him I give
    His gift for me to forever live.
